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Business Owner

GN-Training - Business Owner

GaragaNet Training for Business Owner
  • GN-1.10.01 Quotation Parameters - Printed Copy
  • GN-1.10.02 Quotation Parameters - Email Copy
  • GN-1.10.03 Quotation Parameters - Follow up
  • GN-1.10.05 Quotation Parameters - Appointment Confirmations
  • GN-1.10.06 Quotation Parameters - Email Phone Recap
  • GN-1.10.07 Quotation Parameters - Misc Material
  • GN-1.10.08 General Parameters
  • GN-1.10.09 W/S and Window Preferences
  • GN-1.10.10 training about Your Employees
  • GN-1.10.11 SMS Freight Notifications
  • GN-1.10.11 Quiz - SMS Freight Notifications
  • GN-1.10.12 Restrict operators
  • GN-1.10.13 Quotation Parameters - Updating your logo on your quotes
  • GN-1.10-14 Quotation Parameters - Changing your expiry date on your quotes
  • GN-1.9.01 Price List and Margin in GaragaNet
  • GN-1.9.02 Discount by Customer type in GaragaNet
  • GN-1.9.03 Special Discounts for some Customers
  • GN-1.9.04 Special Pricing for some Options in GaragaNet
  • Quiz - Special Pricing for some Options in GaragaNet
  • GN-1.9.05 Price List for Parts
  • Quiz - Price List for Parts
  • GN-1.9.06 Labour Charges
  • Quiz - Labour Charges
  • GN-1.9.07 Miscellaneous Fees
  • Quiz - Miscellaneous Fees
  • GN-1.9.08 Price Change Log
  • Quiz - Price Change Log
  • GN-1.9.09 Print Price List
  • GN-1.9.10 Managing a price increase in GaragaNet
  • GN-1.9.11 Managing options and parts with a price increase
  • GN-1.9.12 Video Cost Confirmation
  • GN-1.9.13 Confirmatoin - Pending cost confirm
  • Customers
  • GN-1.1.01 Creating new customers and sorting through customer list
  • Quiz - Creating new customers and sorting through customer list
  • GN-1.1.02 Customer List
  • Quiz – Customer list
  • GN-1.1.03 Customer Reports
  • GN-1.1.04 New Customer Interface
  • Opportunities
  • GN-1.2.01 Manually creating opportunities in the GaragaNet
  • Quiz - Manually creating opportunities in the GaragaNet
  • GN-1.2.02 Garaga.com and microsite quotation requests
  • Website pages - Get a quotation - Service call
  • Website pages - Loca Microsite - Contact Us
  • GN-1.2.03 Managing the opportunities interface
  • Quiz - Managing the opportunities interface
  • GN-1.2.04 New features to process opportunities
  • Quiz - New features to process opportunities
  • GN-1.2.05 How to send an appointment confirmation
  • GN-1.3.13 Create Opportunity from Quote Video
  • Quoting
  • GN-1.3.00 New Features in the Product Configurator
  • Quiz - New Features in the Product Configurator
  • GN-1.3.01 How to create a quick quote
  • Quiz - How to create a quick quote
  • GN-1.3.02 New residential quotation
  • Quiz - New residential quotation
  • GN-1.3.03 Alternative versions of a quotation
  • Quiz - Alternative versions of a quotation
  • GN-1.3.04 Markup and other fees
  • Quiz - Markup and other fees
  • GN-1.3.05 Quotation follow-ups in the Garaganet
  • Quiz - Quotation follow-ups in the Garaganet
  • GN-1.3.06 Create a before and after preview
  • Quiz – Create a before and after preview
  • GN-1.3.07 Multiple groups of a quote
  • Quiz – Multiple groups of a quote
  • GN-1.3.08 Creating new versions of a quote
  • Quiz - Creating new versions of a quote
  • GN-1.3.09 Navigating your pending quotes
  • Quiz - Navigating your pending quotes
  • GN-1.3.10 New commercial quotation
  • Quiz - New commercial quotation
  • GN-1.3.11 Shop drawings and framing details
  • Quiz - Shop drawings and framing details
  • GN-1.3.12 How to order from a quote
  • Quiz - How to order from a quote
  • GN-1.3.17 How to duplicate and modify a group
  • GN-1.3.19 Section Layout
  • GN-1.3.20 Adjusting the Expiry date on a quote
  • GN-1.4.01 How to create a new order
  • Quiz - How to create a new order
  • GN-1.4.02 How to create a claim
  • Quiz - How to create a claim
  • GN-1.4.03 Pending Orders
  • Quiz - Pending orders
  • GN-1.4.04 Delivery notification and Truck Audit
  • Quiz - Delivery notification and Truck Audit
  • GN-1.4.06 How to modify an order
  • Quiz - How to modify an order
  • GN-1.4.08 Technical portal
  • Quiz - Technical portal
  • GN-1.4.11 Shipment date calculator
  • Quiz - Shipment date calculator
  • GN-1.4.12 Spring Calculator
  • Training Portal
  • How to register for a Homeshow
  • Maximizing your Promo
  • GN-1.8.01 Retail Sales Activity Report
  • Quiz - Retail Sales Activity Report
  • GN-1.8.03 Monthly Quoting Report
  • Quiz - Monthly Quoting Report
  • GN-1.8.04 Reports - Product Mix Dashboard
  • GN-1.11.01 Barcode scan for receiving items
  • Quiz - Barcode scan for receiving items
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed